How to Configure Stop Event Thresholds (Desktop)

💥 Starts and Stops Report is part of the Asset Activity premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

In order to generate stop events in the Starts and Stops Report, users must first configure stop event thresholds.   

How to Create a Stop Threshold


Click "Settings" in the top navigation bar.


Click Configurations > Stop Events.


Click "Create Stop Threshold."


Fill in the Stop Event Threshold form.

  • Threshold Name (required)

Note: Max 34 characters, no special characters, must be unique within your account

  • Minutes: Utilize the slider to set the minimum and maximum threshold values. A stop event will be reported if no movement has been measured for more than x minutes minimum threshold value. A stop over x minutes maximum threshold value will not be reported.
    • For Example: You may set a maximum of 8 hours (480 min) so that a Stop Event will not be recorded every time a driver parks his truck at home overnight.

Note: The minimum is 2 minutes, the maximum is 480 minutes.

Pro Tip! Hover over the dot on the slider to show the specific value. You can also see the values in the blue disclaimer box below.

  • No Max Duration: Select this option if you would like to only select a minimum minute threshold value (i.e., Stop Events will be reported if no movement has been measured for more than x minutes minimum threshold value.)

  • Category Assignment (required): Assign this stop threshold to one or more asset category.

Note: This list will only display asset categories associated with the following category types: Equipment, Truck, Vehicle.

Important! Assets can only be assigned to one Stop Threshold. Asset categories that have already been assigned to a Stop Threshold will be grayed out and show a notice when hovered over.


Click "Create Threshold" to finish.

How to Edit a Stop Threshold


Click "Settings" in the top navigation bar.


Click Configurations > Stop Events.


Under the Actions column, select the eye icon to view the Stop Event Threshold details and then select Edit.

You can also select the three dots under Actions column and select Edit.


You can edit any field of the Stop Event Threshold, including Threshold Name, Minutes, and Category Assignment.


Select "Update Threshold".

How to Delete a Stop Threshold


You can edit any field of the Stop Event Threshold, including Threshold Name, Minutes, and Category Assignment.


Select "Delete".


Select "Delete Threshold" to confirm delete.

Stop Threshold FAQs

How do I see what edits have been made to a Stop Event Threshold? 

You can view the Change Log for each Stop Event Threshold.  Select the eye icon in the Stop Event Thresholds grid next to the line you would like to view. This will open the details of the Stop Event Threshold, including a Change Log of all edits or modifications.

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