Starts and Stops Report (Desktop)

đź’Ą Starts and Stops Report is part of the Asset Activity premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Permission Requirements: Users must have the Starts and Stops Report permission turned ON to view this report.

Note: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report.

Important! Users must configure Stop Event Thresholds before this report will generate any Stop events. View How to Configure Stop Event Thresholds for more information.

The Starts and Stops report provides the user with a list of events that occurred on a specific date range, with data that summarizes asset activity. The metrics in this report will enable our users to identify unplanned destinations, validate performance, and save costs caused by extended idle periods.

This report answers the question, “What did x asset do yesterday/last week/last month?”

How to Run a Starts and Stops Report


There are two ways to easily access the Starts and Stops Report.

Click Reports in the left side navigation and then select Starts and Stops Report (under the Location reports section).

Or, click Reports in the top global navigation menu, then select Location, then Starts and Stops Report.


Search for the asset using the Asset Name or Fleet Number.

Enter a date range and select "View Report".

Note: The max date range is 45 days.

Sample Report – Overview of Starts and Stops Report Fields


  • Includes Asset Details (photo, asset name, fleet no, category)
  • Total Call Outs: Reflects the totals of all of the following categories for the selected time period.
    • Trips Count of trips completed during the selected time period.
      • Only shows for category types: Trucks and Vehicles
    • Cycles Count of cycles completed during the selected time period.
      • Only shows for category type: Equipment
    • Miles: Cumulative miles logged across the number of trips recorded for the report’s selected date range
      • Only shows for category types: Trucks and Vehicles
    • Trip Duration: Cumulative duration (hh:mm:ss) of trips for that date range.
    • Stops: Total count of stops within the selected time period.
    • Stop Time: Total duration of stop time in the selected time period.
    • Idle Events: Total count of idle events within the selected time period.
    • Idle Time: Total duration of idle events captured in your selected time period.
    • PTO Events: Total count of PTO events within the selected time period.
    • PTO: Cumulative duration Power Take Off was engaged across the number of trips recorded for the report’s selected date range.
    • Gallons Used: Total amount of fuel consumed during all trips in selected time period. (in gallons).
    • MPG: Average mileage for all trips within the selected time period.
      • Only shows for category types: Trucks and Vehicles
    • Max Speed: The highest detected GPS speed reported during the report time frame. This is a maximum value, not an average.
      • This column contains data that is specifically related to specific Tenna trackers: TennaCANbus and TennaFLEET II

Report Grid:

  • Assignee: The person assigned to the asset.
  • Timestamp: The time that the event occurred. Events are sorted into drop down sections based on the date they occurred.

Pro Tip! You can hover over the time to see the date and time together.

  • Event Type: The Starts and Stops Report will show a summary of all events captured during the selected time period. Stop Events are color coded so that users can easily identify potential unplanned or unapproved destinations or time-wasting.

Pro Tip! Select or de-select the stop events color coding at the bottom of the report to turn on or off color coding in the report.

    • Trip Start or End: Trip Start or Trip End will generate its own event in its own row of the report with supporting data.
      • Only shows for category types: Trucks and Vehicles
    • Cycle Start or End: Cycle Start or Cycle End will generate its own event in its own row of the report with supporting data.
      • Only shows for category type: Equipment
    • Idling: Idling is reported when the engine is on (ignition: ON) and the vehicle is moving at less than 5 mph for a period of 3-5 minutes, depending on the model of your fleet tracker. Tenna fleet trackers have timers that record and report when an asset is running and is not moving.
    • PTO On or Off: PTO On or PTO Off will generate its own event in its own row of the report with supporting data.
    • Stop: Stop events are easily identified in the report with color coded rows. These colors are based on your configured Stop Event thresholds and will show green, yellow or red depending on the severity of the stop threshold.
    • Trip Events (Hard Braking, Hard Acceleration, Speeding)
  • Location: Where the event took place.
    • If an address exists for the location, it will populate here. The users can click on this to be taken to Google Maps.
      • If the event occurred within a Geofence, the Geofence name will also populate at the end of the address in the Location column.
    • If an address does not exist for the location, then latitude/longitude coordinates will populate here.
  • Site: Site where the event took place. Users may click on this to be taken to Google Maps or Site Details.
  • Event Details
    • Event Value: The total duration of the event.
    • Event Start / Event End: The start date/time of the event and the end date/time of the event.
      • These columns populate for events that do not have an associated ending event (Idling, Stop, Hard Acceleration, Hard Braking, and Speeding).
      • The event Timestamp is technically the event end value for these events. Using the event value (duration), the event start time is calculated.
    • Trip Duration: Total duration (hh:mm:ss) of the trip.
    • Trip Miles: Total miles for that trip.
      • Only shows for categories: Trucks and Vehicles
    • Odometer: Total miles (odometer reading) for the asset after the trip miles from the previous column have been added to the running total.
      • Only shows for categories: Trucks and Vehicles
    • Hours: Total hours for that event.
      • Only shows for categories: Equipment and Trucks
    • Cumulative Hours: Total hours for the asset after the event hours from the previous column has been added to the running total.
      • Only shows for categories: Equipment and Trucks

Starts and Stops Report Settings and Filters

To access the report settings, select the gear icon on the right side of the screen.

  • Show/Hide Trip Events: Toggling these off will remove the specific event types from the report.
  • Show/Hide Row Formatting:
    • Show “Stops” Custom Threshold Name: Turning off this option will hide the custom threshold name as a suffix to the stop event label.
    • Show “Stops” Row Styling: Turning off this option will hide the “Stops Events Row Styling Toggle” along with the row styling
    • Show “Stops” Between Trips / Cycles: Turning off this option will hide Stop events that occurred between Trip End and Trip Starts (Stop events recorded while the ignition was off)

To access the filters, select the three lines icon on the right side of the screen.

  • Assignee: Filter events by assignee
  • Event Duration (minutes): Filter events on the report that have a duration within a specific range (e.g. Show all stop that were between 45 and 90 minutes)
    • This filter applies to PTO, Idling and Stop Events
  • Site: Filter events by Site
  • Geofence (Stop Events): Filter Stops by Geofence

Starts and Stops Report FAQs

What does the warning alert “This asset’s tracker does not support all the events captured in this report, some data may be unavailable” mean?

This warning may show in the header of the report for certain trackers (TennaQR, TennaBLE, TennaMINI Plug-In / Solar / Battery) because the trackers do not provide all data in this report, so some data points may be blank or missing.

How is average idle time calculated?

Average idle time is inferred by Tenna based on the cumulative idle hours received from AEMP and what is captured by Tenna trackers.

Which assets will populate this report?

Owned or rental assets with a category type of Equipment, Vehicle or Truck will pull into this report for the time period selected, provided the tracker is installed, verified and online.

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