How to Replace a TennaCAM 2.0 SD Card

The following instructions provide the step-by-step procedure for replacing the SD card in an existing camera:

  1. Turn the asset’s ignition off.
  2. Using the camera’s torx wrench tool, remove the security cover from the side of the installed camera.

  1. Carefully disconnect the white power connector (B).
  2. Carefully remove the SD card (C) from your TennaCAM 2.0. (Gently press once and the card will pop out, then remove). Note the SD card’s orientation.

  1. Carefully insert the new SD card into the TennaCAM 2.0. Ensure it is the same orientation as the previously removed SD card. Push until it clicks.
  2. Re-insert the white power connector.
  3. Re-install the security cover.
  4. Turn the camera on (start the asset’s ignition).
  5. Allow the camera to update and reboot. This will take about 3 minutes.
    1. If the camera is already installed and verified, you will see a solid green light after the update and reboot is complete.
    2. If this is a new camera that has not been installed yet, you will see three solid lights after the update and reboot is complete. Follow the TennaCAM 2.0 Installation Instructions to complete install and verification.

Pro Tip!

  • Old SD cards may be kept for future video reference. An SD card reader is required to access the contents.
  • Old SD cards should not be used/re-installed in a TennaCAM 2.0.
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