Answers Overview

The Answers page provides quick snapshots of your mixed asset fleet and gives quick access to important information such as asset financials, asset count and location as well as utilization.

Permission Requirements: All users have access to Answers.

To view the Answers page, select “Answers” from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.

Click on a specific question to view the answer. Each answer contains a link which, when clicked, will navigate you to additional information.

How many assets do we own?

The number shown in the answer is based on the owned assets currently in your asset list. By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the Assets page with the “Owned” Quick Filter applied.

What is the breakdown of all assets by category?

This data is based on all assets currently in your asset list. By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to a pie chart displaying the data which is organized by Major Category.

Hovering over a segment of the chart will reveal the number of assets in that category.

Clicking on any of the categories at the bottom of the screen will remove them from the chart.

Clicking on any of the categories in the list on the left will display a breakdown of assets in that specific category.

See Category Types Overview for further details on categories.

Where is everything located?

By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the asset map which will show all assets with their last reported location.

See How to Search, View and Filter Assets (Desktop) for further details on finding specific assets.

What is the value of our owned equipment fleet?

The answer will display the Total Book Value and Total Market Value of your assets. This data is generated by the data on the Financial tab of an Owned asset's asset detail page.

By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the Grid View of the Assets page where you can view the value of each asset pulled into this answer.

See How to View Owned Asset Financial Information (Desktop) for further details.

How many assets are underutilized?

The number shown in the answer is based off of the utilization report pre-filtered for utilization levels that fall below your set threshold. By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the Utilization page to view this data.

What is the total number of rental assets?

The number shown in the answer is based on the rental assets currently in your asset list. By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the Assets page with the “Rentals” Quick Filter applied.

What is the total monthly rental spend across our company?

The answer will display the total monthly rental spend. This data is generated by the data on the Rental Information tab of a Rental asset's asset detail page.

By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the Asset Rentals report where you can view the rentals spend of each asset pulled into this answer.

Which project has the highest monthly rental spend?

The answer will display the project name and average monthly rental spend. This data is based on the average amount rental assets cost for each project which is calculated based on the time the rental asset spends a month on the project multiplied by the monthly rental rate. By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the site details page for that project.

What is the rental breakdown by asset category?

This data is based on the rental assets currently in your asset list. By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the Rental Count by Category report where you can view the data pulled into this answer.

How many assets are available?

The answer will display the number of assets which are currently marked as available in your asset list. By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the Assets page with the “Available” Quick Filter applied.

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