How to View Owned Asset Financial Information (Desktop)

Asset financial information includes all of the financial data for your owned assets (i.e., billable, purchase, sale, loan, insurance, and forecast information).

Permission Requirements: Users with the "Financial" permission have the ability to view financial information.

Financial information can be found in multiple locations:

NOTE: Financial information can only be viewed in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

Asset Details Page

The Financial tab under an asset's Asset Details page will display financial information for that specific asset.


Find and select the asset to view the Asset Details page.

For help searching for an asset, see How to Search, View and Filter Assets (Desktop).


Click on the "Financials" tab.

All the asset's financial information is displayed on this tab.

Some of the fields displayed on the screen are values manually provided for the asset from the asset's add/edit form. See How to Create, Edit and Delete an Asset (Desktop) for additional information.

Other fields are automatically calculated based on the values manually provided for the asset, indicated by the blue calculator icon. Hovering over the calculator displays the input fields that are used for calculating this field.


The Answers feature will display the Total Book Value and Total Market Value of all of your owned assets.


Click on "Answers" in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.


Click on the "What is the value of our owned equipment fleet" question.

This will display the Total Book Value and Total Market Value of all of your owned assets. This data is generated by the data on the Financial tab of an owned asset's Asset Details page.

By clicking on the answer, you will be brought to the Grid View of the Assets page where you can view the value of each asset pulled into this answer.


Financial information for all the owned assets in the your account is included in this report.


Click on "Reports" in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.


Click on the "Owned Asset Financial Information" report.

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