How to Void or Transfer Driver Scorecard Violations: Supervisors (Desktop)

What: Supervisors may edit a driver scorecard by voiding or transferring a violation to another scorecard.

There may be events where drivers may operate a vehicle assigned to another driver. In these cases, any violations committed by these drivers would appear on the driver scorecard of the driver assigned to the vehicle. You have the ability to correct and reconcile a driver's scorecard to remove any false violations and/or transfer them to the appropriate driver.

Who: Driver Supervisors. Drivers do not have permissions to edit their own scorecards.

Step 1. Select "Safety & Compliance" on the left side navigation.

Step 2. Select "Driver Scorecard".

Step 3. Identify the Driver whose Scorecard needs adjustment.

Your drivers' scores and details are listed on this page, showing driver data over the past 30 days by default.

You can filter this page, or adjust the date range for the period you are viewing by selecting the date box on the top right.

Step 4. Select the Driver Scorecard you'd like to amend by clicking the "eye" icon.

This page is organized by Driver, asset, Score and Grade on top, followed by the scoring breakdown for the time period specified, and finishing with the breakdowns of the driver's Total Violations.

This driver's scorecard can also be filtered by time range by selecting the date box. By default, the list is organized by events in the last month.

Individuals in a Supervisor role with permission to edit a driver scorecard will see the actions options - void or transfer -  on the Total Violations section of the driver scorecard. 

Note: Drivers will not see these action options on their scorecard or the scorecard of any of their peers. 

To Void 

1. Select the "X" icon under Actions. 

2. Select "Yes" to confirm. 

The point value on this driver scorecard is now reflected with points added back for the time period being viewed. 

To Transfer: 

1. Select the "double Arrows" icon under Actions.

2. Select a User from the drop down list to transfer this violation to.

Note: All users in your account are part of the selection options. 

In most cases, you'll want to be sure to select a user who has completed a trip to ensure the violation transfers to a user with a driver scorecard (and has a record on the Driver Scorecard tab in your Safety & Compliance Feature). 

However, all users are available in this list in the event that you need to transfer a violation to a new user who is not currently assigned to an asset. In that case, you can select any user to associate the violation to him or her, even if that new user does not have a record yet. 

3. Select "Transfer" to complete. 

This button is grayed out until a user has been selected. 

You may navigate to the driver you transferred the violation to see the violation their scorecard. 

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