How to Submit an Equipment Inspection (App)
How to submit a visual and mechanical inspection of your equipment from your mobile device using the Tenna App. This article also covers how to resubmit and recertify a previous inspection.
For instructions on submitting DVIR in the Tenna App, view How to Submit a DVIR Inspection (App).
- Resubmitting an Inspection: This occurs when an inspector opens an inspection form for an asset that had mechanical inspection items marked as failed on their previous inspection. The inspector has the option to view the previous inspection, fix the issues marked as fail, and then resubmit the inspection. Steps for doing this in the Tenna App are below. To learn more about Resubmitting an Inspection, view Inspections Overview.
- Recertifying an Inspection: Some customer’s desire an additional check of a previous inspection “Fail” item which has since been resolved by the mechanic or shop and the current Driver/Operator will sign off. Steps for doing this in the Tenna App are below. To learn more about Recertifying an Inspection, view Inspections Overview.
Permission Requirements:
- To submit inspections, users require the "Submit Inspections" permission.
- To resubmit inspections, users require “Submit Inspections”, “View Inspections” and “Amend Inspection Reports” permissions.
- To recertify inspections, users require “Submit Inspections” and “View Inspections” permissions.
NOTE: These instructions are for submitting an inspection from the Tenna App. For instructions on submitting an inspection from your desktop, view How to Submit an Inspection (Desktop).
💥 Safety & Compliance is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.
Submit an Inspection in Tenna App
The list will only contain assets that have an inspection assigned. Each asset card will show the following data:
- Asset Image
- Fleet No.
- Number of Assigned Inspections
- Date / Time of Last Inspection OR “No Previous Inspections”
NOTE: The inspection data displayed on each asset card is specific to Inspection Forms. It does not include DVIR.
This screen will show the following information:
- Asset Image
- Fleet No
- Asset Name
- Asset Category
- Assignee
Each assigned Inspection card will include the following information:
- Inspection Form Title
- Frequency (if applicable): The frequency is displayed next to the title (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) If the inspection has a custom frequency configured, it will say “Custom”.
- For example: Tenna Default – Daily or Tenna Default – Custom
- Date/Time last submitted (if applicable)
This notice will appear if the most recent submitted inspection form has 1 or more mechanical inspection items marked as fail or pass (fixed). This means the previous inspection report needs to be resubmitted and/or recertified.
The user can choose to A) view the previous inspection report or B) dismiss and start the new inspection. If the user chooses to view the previous inspection report, they (depending on permissions) may resubmit the inspection or recertify the inspection.
- View Resubmitting an Inspection in Tenna App
- View Recertifying an Inspection in Tenna App
If you do not wish to resubmit or recertify, select Dismiss and Start Inspection and follow the remaining steps.
If there are Visual Inspection items on the inspection form, the inspector will be prompted to scan QR codes around the asset.
Click Report Issue to document any damage or issues on the asset, or if the QR code is not available.
Provide an explanation and add a photo.
Click "Submit and Continue".
The next screen will show the different categories of the inspection form. Within each category are check items. Select a category to start responding to check items in the inspection.
NOTE: Items on the checklist with an asterisk * are required for this inspection.
- If you select "Pass" the box turns green. No other action needed on that item.
- If you select "N/A" the box turns purple. A window will open asking for more details on this status. Inspection Notes and Photos may be required based on how the inspection form was configured. Once complete, click "Continue".
- If you select "Fail" the box turns red. A window will open asking for more details on this status. Inspection Notes and Photos may be required based on how the inspection form was configured. Once complete, click "Continue".
Important! Items marked as “Fail” will automatically create a Maintenance Request. The title of the Maintenance Request will be "Inspection Title - Frequency - Check Item Name".
For example: "Tenna Default Equipment - Weekly - Lifting Mechanism"
Each category will need to be opened and marked as PASS, FAIL, or N/A. The category color will change once the category has been completed.
You may be prompted to submit the following, based on how the inspection form was configured:
- Hours
- Miles
- General Comments
NOTE: The "Site Inspected At" data field should pre-populate with the asset's assigned site. If not, select a site from the drop-down menu.
Pro Tip! Add general photos from the inspection that were not already attached as part of a check item.
Resubmit an Inspection in Tenna App
Users may be prompted to resubmit an inspection if they start a new inspection on an asset that previously failed any mechanical inspections items that have not been recertified. The inspector will have the option to view the previous inspection report, fix failed items, mark as “Fixed”, then resubmit the inspection. This includes DVIR inspections.
The following instructions are how to resubmit an inspection in the Tenna App.
Permission Requirements: Users with the “Submit Inspections”, “View Inspections” and “Amend Inspection Reports” permissions.
NOTE: The report can be marked as Failed or Passed (with issues). The inspector can click “Pass with Issues” if they prefer to move the inspection along in the certification process even though there are failed items.
Fix or resolve the issue. Provide a brief explanation of how the problem was fixed and include a photo. Select Submit.
NOTE: Users must fix all failed items in order to resubmit an inspection.
NOTE: Your signature will now appear on the fixed inspection report. Your name and the date/time will also populate in the Inspection Reports grid.
Recertify an Inspection in Tenna App
After an inspection is resubmitted, subsequent Drivers or Inspectors now have the option to "recertify" the fixed items from the previously failed inspection report. This includes DVIR inspections. The following instructions are how to recertify an inspection in the Tenna App.
NOTE: In the case of DVIR Vehicle + Trailer, the recertify inspection shall only be on the Vehicle previously failed check items only and exclude any Trailer specific check items. This is due to the possibility of varying vehicle plus trailer(s) combinations.
Permission Requirements: Users with the “Submit Inspections” and “View Inspections” permissions can recertify an inspection.
NOTE: The user that resubmitted the inspection cannot recertify the inspection. It must be a new inspector/driver. A user can only recertify an inspection report once.
Select the fixed items to view the previous inspector’s notes and photos (optional).
NOTE: In the signatures window, you will see the signatures of the initial mechanic and the resubmitter.
Your name, signature, and timestamp will record in the Inspection Details and Inspection Reports grid.