TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet FAQs

The following are Frequently Asked Questions about the TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet safety camera.

How can I prevent tampering with the camera? “Accidentally” unplugging, blocking, removing the memory card, etc.

  • Tamperproof security fasteners prevent access to power connectors and the SD card, removing the camera, and adjusting the angle on the camera.
  • Make drivers disinterested in tampering with the camera by using it to coach rather than penalize.

How will drivers know when they are being unsafe?

  • Audio alerts signal to drivers that distracted or fatigued driving has been detected.
  • Video uploads allow fleet managers to coach specific behavior with individual drivers.

What is the driver event/panic button? How long will it record?

The driver event/panic button is located on the front of the camera. Drivers can push the button at any time to record a 10 second video. The video will capture the 6 seconds before the button was pushed and 4 seconds after.

What are the parameters around distracted driving alerts?

Distracted driving parameters have been determined based on thousands of hours of testing and optimization.

Each behavior must be detected multiple times within a set timeframe to trigger an alert/video.

  • Drowsiness: System detects drowsiness if the driver’s eyes are closed/drooping for at least 1.15 seconds within a 5-second window
  • Head Down: System detects the behavior if the driver’s head is down for at least 1.25 seconds within a 5-second window
  • Phone Use: System detects phone use if the driver uses phone for at least 1.5 seconds within a 5-second window
  • Yawning: System detects yawning if the driver yawns for at least 1.6 seconds within 5-second window
  • Distraction: System detects distraction if the driver is distracted for at least 1.6 seconds within a 5-second window

View TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet AI-Generated DMS to learn more.

Are there alerts if the camera is blocked? 

The system does not issue an alert for a blocked system. If the camera’s lens is completely obscured (either due to complete coverage or due to a lens malfunction), then a "Black Screen" status would be set and visible via Tenna Tracker Status and/or Tenna’s Camera Health Report. 

Why do I need a TennaFLEET with the camera?  I just want the camera.  

TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet is designed to supplement driver safety events and vehicle behaviors identified and collected directly from the vehicle through TennaFLEET. Without the TennaFLEET solution, safety and compliance teams will be forced to review hours of footage to find the “smoking gun” of an issue or incident. The TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet and TennaFLEET complete solution helps deliver pertinent information quickly, while also harnessing the operational value of fleet intelligence data.

Do automatically captured videos expire? 

  • By default, videos expire in 12 months.
  • Expiration settings can be changed at the account level from 12 months to 2 weeks

Where are videos stored? 

Some videos will upload immediately to the cloud, while others will process and upload after a cycle is complete (i.e. the vehicle is shut off). Each camera is supported with a 128GB SD card, which allows for consistent video capture to the hardware itself, with various volume of video being stored based on your selected settings.

What are Camera Settings? 

TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet settings dictate how your camera is configured to function in terms of recording video, storage and data use. Tenna offers a Standard Setting and Alt Settings that we recommend based on our industry knowledge. There is also a Custom Settings option to provide more flexibility.

See TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet Settings Options for more information.

What do the LED lights on my camera indicate?

TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet is equipped with three status indicators. Upon powering up, the device should go from the “Device Bootup” state to the “Device Ready” state. After the installation, once the device is in the recording state, the device will attempt to connect, indicated by a flashing green LED. Once connected, the green LED will turn solid. The red and yellow LEDs are used for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes only.

See the Tracker Troubleshooting Guide for more information.

Why does my TennaCAM 2.0 show as online in RoscoLive but not in Tenna?

"Live" in RoscoLive means the TennaCAM 2.0 is on and recording. One of the things that can cause this to look odd is the relation between online in Tenna and online in Rosco. Trackers will show as online in Tenna until they are inactive for 2 days. In Tenna, the tracker is shown as online far more often, as the trackers send a periodic ping to our servers, the cameras in Rosco show as online only while the asset is running.

Example: If a driver stops at a gas station and turns off the vehicle, Tenna will show all the devices as “online” at that point, but Rosco will show the camera as "offline". This distinction is because offline in Tenna is a note that you may want to assess the tracker for issues, while offline in Rosco just means the camera is not recording video at this time.

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