Release Notes: May 19, 2023

NOTE: The following features and enhancements will be available to you by midnight, May 20, 2023.

Our May 19, 2023 release includes a number of improvements and enhancements, many requested by customers as we work to continually make Tenna the most effective platform for construction equipment and fleet management needs. Here's what's new!

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Maintenance Requests Grid Enhancements

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New and Improved Columns

  1. Asset Hours and Miles information helps customers to understand how long it has been since the last maintenance request. No need to manually input hours or miles – this will automatically populate:
    1. Asset “Hours at Requested”: The hours for the asset when the Maintenance Request was created (if applicable)
    2. Asset “Miles at Requested”: The mileage for the asset when the Maintenance Request was created (if applicable)
  2. Color-coded badge labeling for statuses within the Maintenance Requests Grid
  3. Users can now historically view if a Maintenance Request was tied to a Preventative Maintenance Package. Columns specific to Preventative Maintenance:
    1. Service Trigger
    2. PM Package Title (hidden by default)
    3. Service Title (hidden by default)
  4. Column to display Attachments (if applicable):
    1. Select the Photo Icon to view a gallery of attached photo(s)
    2. Select the Paperclip Icon to proceed to bottom of Maintenance Requests Details Page, where links to doc or audio attachments will be shown

Maintenance Requests Actions

Users may now select the "three dots" icon in the Actions column of the Maintenance Requests Grid to access a drop-down menu with the following options: Edit, Decline, Resolve, Delete, Add to Work Order.

Resolve Modal

When a user selects the Resolve action, a modal will appear with the option to choose Request Type, add shop notes and/or attachments, and resolve the request. This makes it easy to add in any photos, receipts, documents, or any other files related to this maintenance item.

Maintenance Requests Resolve Modal

"Add to Work Order" Action now includes the option to Create a New Work Order

Users can select “Create a new Work Order with the selected request” to go directly to the Create Work Order flow for the selected asset, skipping the first step of identifying the asset and automatically adding the selected Maintenance Request to the Work Order.

Add to Work Order Option: Create a New Work Order

Assign Mechanics when Creating a Maintenance Request

  • Assigned Mechanics will receive a “You have been assigned to a Maintenance Request” notification
  • Mechanics may then complete the work, resolve the request, and capture the notes for the service – without having to assign it to a work order.
  • The “New Maintenance Request” Notification will now also include any mechanics that were assigned to that request.

Miscellaneous Maintenance Requests Enhancements

When hovering over Requested By, Asset Details, and Site in the Maintenance Request Grid, details will pop up on screen for more information.

Category Icons and an Export All button are now available in the Maintenance Request Grid, as well.

Enhanced notes for Maintenance Requests created from Preventative Maintenance Services

Enhanced Field Notes

Asset Details Page Enhancements

  • Maintenance Requests Pagination
  • New actions added for Maintenance Requests: Resolve, Decline, Delete, Add to Work Order

Tracker Verification Enhancements

Tracker Verification Page Enhancements

  • Enhanced tracker component
  • Enhanced insights on the verification trip including Fuel metrics, Idle duration, PTO, and others (if available)

  • Added asset battery voltage and tracker battery voltage (if applicable)

Mobile App Features

Tracker Installation Flow

Photo Capture

  • Users will have the ability to add 1 or more installation photos during the installation flow of all trackers. This new step will be just before the verification screen.
  • Users will be prompted to capture 1 photo (required) after relevant steps in the installation: Enter Hours/Miles, Power Wiring, Ignition Wiring. This will be applied to the following trackers:
    • TennaCAM 2.0
    • TennaFLEET II
    • TennaFLEET JBUS / OBD
    • TennaMINI Plug-In

Installation Location

Tenna will now capture the location at which the installation of the tracker took place. This is a great way to verify where the installation took place and confirm that the installer was at the right site or even working on the right asset. This can be viewed in the new Tracker Details > Installation Info tab.

Tracker Details Page

New details page accessible by clicking on the tracker image on the Asset Details page header.

This new page has 2 tabs:

  1. General Info - Users can view details of the tracker and its health including important metrics like tracker battery level, asset battery voltage, cellular connectivity, GPS quality, temperature, and more.
  2. Installation Info - Users can view details on the installation, including installation location and photos of labeled steps.

Mobile App Enhancements

Asset Details/General Tab

The general tab has been enhanced to include more data on the asset. These data points have also been grouped by their relation to PTO, Idle, Fuel, and General Information

Mobile Asset Details Enhancement

Maintenance Requests

Resolve Maintenance Request Prompt: When a user resolves a MR from the MR details, a panel will display to optionally add a request type, shop notes, photos, or files on the resolution of the request.

Miles / Hours at Requested: The Hours and/or Miles on the asset when the Maintenance Request was created will now be displayed in the asset header of the Maintenance Request Details

Assign Mechanics

  • Mechanics can now be assigned to Maintenance Request via a new field in Create Maintenance Request. This makes it easy to quickly assign maintenance or service items to mechanics without the need to create a Work Order.
  • Assigned Mechanics can also be viewed in the Maintenance Request Details

Estimated Parts / Hours: Estimated Parts & Estimated Hours fields are now included in Create Maintenance Request on Tenna App

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