TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet Road-Facing AI (ADAS) Overview

TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet's Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) utilizes artificial intelligence to monitor the road and warn drivers of potential incidents with in-cabin audio alerts.

Customers with TennaCAM 2.0 must have the Custom Settings profile in order to utilize ADAS alerts. Contact your Customer Account Manager for more details.

Types of Alerts

  • Forward Collision Warning
    • Alerts the driver of potential front-end collisions.
    • The driver will hear four loud, successive beeps.
  • Headway Warning
    • Warns the driver when they are following the vehicle in front of them too closely.
    • The driver will hear “headway”.
  • Tailgating
    • Alerts the driver when they have been following too closely for an extended period of time.
    • The driver will hear “tailgating”.

Alert + Video + Snapshot

Each time a driver receives an ADAS in-cabin audio alert, a video and/or snapshot (if configured) will populate in Tenna. Event details include alert type, timestamp, map location and speed.


Toggle to turn on or off event warnings. Customize the sensitivity and minimum speed for Headway Warning and Tailgating.

What to Expect

TennaCAM 2.0 Fleet customers must have the Custom Settings profile enabled in order to utilize ADAS alerts. ADAS set up includes measuring each vehicle in order to enable ADAS alerts and entering measurements into your vehicle’s event settings.

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