Release Notes: May 17, 2024

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All of the new products and features below were showcased in our March 2024 Live Launch. Watch the recording here!

New Products

Action QR

Enable workflows in the field with Action QRs!

Smart, durable QR labels can be scanned to complete many construction tasks. Actions include:


  • Assign to Me
  • Edit Asset Label
  • Create Fuel Entry
  • Create DVIR
  • Create Inspection
  • Create Maintenance Request
  • Create Work Order

Inventory Part

  • Inventory Transaction
  • Add to Work Order

Learn More: Action QR Overview

Open API

Share read-only Tenna data with your third-parties.

Open API allows you to extract (not add or update) Tenna data for valuable use cases with other applications.

  • Mechanic Time Cards
  • Cost Codes
  • Parts
  • Fuel Entries
  • Trips


  • Retrieve data from Tenna into your own database/cloud/data lake
  • Allow you to build your own dashboard in your own BI tool

Learn More: Open API Overview

Key Enhancements

Vista Fuel Entry Integration

Seamlessly share fuel cost and entry data with your active Fuel Entry Integration with Viewpoint® Vista™

Tenna will send the following to Vista:

  • Fuel Type
  • Fuel Grade ID
  • Fuel Grade Name
  • Unit Cost
  • Extended Cost
  • Gallons

Mechanic Time Cards

Quickly manage Mechanic Time Cards with Bulk Actions

  • Mark as Processed
  • Lock/Unlock
  • Approve
  • Reject
  • Submit
  • Delete

Note: Actions may require permissions.

Weekly Time Card Processing Reminder Notification

  • Prompt approvers and reviewers to review pending time cards with this weekly notification subscription.
  • Configure which day of the week and time to send
  • Convenient link to view all time cards

Note: This notification is permission based.

Lifetime Labor Cost in Asset Details

  • The Asset Details Financial tab will now show the Lifetime Labor Cost for that asset
  • Sum of the cost of all labor time entries that have been associated to the asset throughout its life

Misc. Mechanic Time Card Enhancements:

  • Calculated Labor Cost on Work Orders
  • Time Card Detail Print View
  • Work Order Labor Bottom Panel


Lifetime Parts Cost in Asset Details

  • The Asset Details Financial tab will now show the Lifetime Parts Cost for that asset
  • Sum of the cost of all parts that have been associated to the asset throughout its life
  • Includes removed and active parts

Bulk Import or Edit Your Parts Catalog

  • Quickly upload all Parts data and populate your Catalog using Tenna-provided templates
  • Option to re-upload to apply catalog changes in bulk

Site Parts Inventory Tab

Easily view a Site-specific grid of all inventory parts

  • Manage Site’s Parts: Add, Subtract, Transfer
  • Search
  • Export
  • Filter

New and Enhanced Parts Notifications

  • Daily Digest: Parts Added to Catalog
  • Part Inventory Location Added
  • Global Part Inventory is Low
  • Part Warranty Expired
  • Part End of Life Tomorrow

Misc. Parts Enhancements:

  • Calculated Parts Cost on Work Orders
  • Global Create Menu
  • Asset Grid and List View Add Part to Asset
  • Work Order Parts – Total Cost of Committed Parts and ability to Export
  • Toggle Deactivated Parts
  • Part History

Resource Management

Create Custom Schedule

  • Allows users to create the own custom schedule
  • Select relevant assets, laborers and crews to create a custom, user-specific schedule view
  • Pin your custom schedule for easy access

Dispatch Events

  • Edit Events in any status (past the draft stage)
  • Automated Dispatch Event Change Notifications will inform the relevant users as to what elements of the event have changed

Dispatch Queue

  • Allows easier access to Edit Requests via the Dispatch Queue
  • Users can seamlessly access and modify requests associated with dispatch items.


  • Filter Enhancements
    • Filter Requests Based on Status
    • Pending Approval
    • Approved
    • Expired
    • Cancelled

“Request Starting Soon” Notification

Get a heads up for asset and personnel moves with “Request Starting Soon” Notification


Work Order Smart Cost Fields

  • Parts, Labor, etc.
  • Selecting the totals will open a breakdown with more specifics


Download All Pings for a custom date range

  • Keep your own records of asset movement and location updates
  • Get all the locations (pings) reported by assets for a date range.
  • Easily download into a csv or excel file for your records

Tenna Mobile App

Safety and Compliance

  • Save In-Progress Inspections or DVIRs
    • If a session is ended mid-inspection, all progress, notes, and photos will be saved in the Tenna App for the user to resume later (only one form will be saved per device)
    • User will be prompted to resume previous inspection when they attempt to start new one
    • Users have the freedom to 'pause' their inspection, complete other tasks in the Tenna app, and then resume their inspection
    • Users are covered for unexpected app closure (manual error, device out of battery, etc.)

  • Apply Inspection or DVIR Hours/Miles to an Asset
    • Users may now apply their entered Hours or Miles in inspections to the Asset’s current values by checking the “Apply to Asset” button.
    • Hours updates are accounted for Asset Utilization calculations
    • Users can also include a photo of the hour meter or odometer on the asset by tapping “Add Photo”

Note: Users cannot apply hours/miles to a value that is less than the current value on the asset or to an asset utilizing ECU value.

Note: These updates will show in the Manual Log of Updates on the Asset Details page

  • Inspection Issue Prompt
    • Users may now view the entire check item title and description!
    • Accommodate longer descriptions or instructions for inspectors within each specific item

  • Add Photos and Description to Non-Required Check Items
    • Users may now add photos and a description to any check items on an Inspection.
    • Double-tap any of the outcomes to open a window to add description or photos
    • Easily capture relevant information even if the item is not required or there is no active problem with the inspected item/component
    • E.g., take pictures of critical safety supplies such as fire extinguishers even if not required


  • "Add" Work Order items from one place
    • Users can now add Parts, Time Entries, Costs, and attachments from Work Order Details
    • Easily add items by tapping on the "Add" action and select an item

Note: Individual actions are permission controlled

Note: This replaced the “Make Updates” state and action.

  • New Cost Summary
    • Users can now view and add line items for Equipment, Service Vendor, & Misc. Costs from the Cost Summary
    • Tap on the Cost Summary component in Work Order details
    • Tap on the cost to view a list of each
    • Totals will be calculated for each section and for the Work Order in general

Note: The Cost Summary is no longer a part of the Create Work Order form; costs added after creation in Work Order details

  • Line Items for Cost Types: Equipment, Service Vendor, and Misc. Costs
    • Users can now view all the line items added to each cost type, view the details of each entry, and create new cost entries from the Tenna Mobile App
    • Tap on each section's cost to view the full list of line items added to the Work Order.
    • Add individual line items such as parts or vendor costs with the appropriate cost code and financial information
    • From the Cost details, Edit or Remove the cost.

Report/Grid Enhancements

Report/Grid Enhancement Notes
Settings> Configurations > Fuel New Fuel Grade Grid Create, edit, and view history of fuel grades
Team Time Cards Bulk Actions New checkboxes to multiselect and new bulk actions bar
Site Details > Parts Inventory New Parts Inventory Grid Easily view a Site-specific grid of all inventory parts; Manage Site’s Parts, Search, Export, Filter
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