TennaCAM 2.0 Heavy Equipment Tracker Verification (Desktop)

The following are the criteria for verifying your TennaCAM 2.0 Heavy Equipment camera after installation.

Important! A tracker is not considered active until tracker installation and verification has been completed. After installing the tracker and completing the steps in the Tenna App, the installer must verify the tracker on their desktop computer.

Tracker Verification provides you with confidence that your tracker was properly installed and is gathering accurate data at the time of installation.

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The left side of the Tracker Verification page will show tracker-specific information that will be used to verify accuracy:

Asset Information

  • Asset Photo
  • Asset Name
  • Assignee
  • Installer: User that installed the tracker. This will populate from the user that logged into the Tenna App and completed installation of this tracker.

Tracker Information

  • Tracker Type
  • Tracker Photo
  • Tracker Status

Trip Report: This section should include details from the test cycle performed during installation.

  • Start Location Address and Timestamp
  • End Location Address and Timestamp
  • Last Trip Duration (hh:mm:ss)
  • Fuel Consumed (Gallons)
  • Last Trip Length (Miles)
  • Idle Duration (hh:mm:ss)
  • Fuel Level (%)

Advanced Tracker Details: Select the link for Advanced Tracker Details to view the associated TennaCANbus tracker's firmware version, SKU, Serial No, and Config. This modal will also include TennaCAM 2.0 (Tracker 2) IMEI and any additional auxiliary cameras installed.

Map of Trip: A map view of the Trip Report.

  • Asset Battery Voltage
  • Tracker Battery Voltage

Verification Criteria

On the right side of the Tracker Verification page, users must complete the checklist of verification criteria by selecting Fail or Verify based on the information shown on the left side of the screen.

For example, the installer should look at the Start Location and End Location Addresses to ensure they are accurate for the test cycle trip run during installation. If accurate, the installer will select Verify in the checkbox next to Accurate Address.

  • Trip Report: An accurate trip start, trip end, duration, total miles, assignee, and fuel consumption are presented.
  • Accurate Address: The trip start and trip end addresses are accurate.
  • Accurate Position: The position is accurately represented on the map.
  • Accurate Path: The dots on the map connecting Point A and Point B provide an accurate estimate of the path of the asset's first trip.
  • Accurate Hours/Miles: Verify the accuracy of the total hours: (value)
  • Hours: Select the source and verify the accuracy of hours:
    • ECU Provided Data: (value) or N/A (your asset does not provide ECU hours data)
    • Baseline + Trip Time: (value)

NOTE: Depending on an equipment's year, make, and model, the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) may provide the equipment's current hours value representing the cumulative hours used. If provided and this option is selected, Current Hours will be updated with this value.

  • Camera IMEI: Verify the correct IMEI on the camera.
  • Video Capture: Verify all enabled channels are captured (including auxiliary camera if installed).

Once all criteria has been verified or failed, select Apply at the bottom of the screen.

If all items are verified, the installation and verification is successful and the tracker is considered online and active.

If any items are failed, the installer will have to go through the Tenna App installation process again. Fix any identified issues and re-verify. View Why Can't I Verify my Tracker for troubleshooting.

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