How to View Driver Scorecards

đź’ĄDriver Scorecards is part of a premium product, Safety & Compliance, and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Driver Scorecards are the performance records of each of your drivers based on the data received from a tracker for each trip they complete with their fleet asset. Driver scorecards show you trends across your company and individual drivers based on their driving behaviors. This helps you focus on specific areas for improvement for your team to help influence better performance collectively. 

Driver scorecards are viewable for Supervisors and Drivers.

How to View Driver Scorecards from the Desktop platform


Select "Safety & Compliance" on the left-hand navigation bar.


Select the "Driver Scorecard" tile.


Review your Company Average and list of drivers.

Your company average is at the top of the page which is based on the current performance of your drivers.

Your drivers' scores and details are listed below the Company Averaged. This list defaults to show Driver data over the past 30 days.

You can filter this page, or adjust the date range for the period you are viewing by selecting the date box on the top right.


Select the Driver Scorecard you'd like to review by clicking the "eye" icon under actions.

This page is organized by Driver, asset, Score and Grade on top, followed by the scoring breakdown for the time period specified, and finishing with the breakdowns of the driver's Total Violations.

As with the driver list, this driver's scorecard can be filtered by time range by selecting the date box. By default, the list is organized by events in the last month.


Select the "printer" icon to print the report.

Once you've adjusted the date range, you can convert your driver scorecard into a report format for easy viewing and print from your browser.

How to View Driver Scorecards from the Tenna App


Log into the Tenna App.


Drivers can view their individual scorecard by looking at the "Driver Scorecard" tile on the app main screen.

To view the Driver Scorecard in more detail, refer to the Tenna Online platform.

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