Sites Overview

Sites helps you understand where your assets are spending their time, helps you control resources on your projects and helps to mitigate or identify instances of theft through geofences. 

Permission Requirements: All users can view the Sites feature at it's most basic level. Various functions within the Sites features can be "permissioned" ON or OFF for your users to control access. 

Search, View and Filter Sites

To view the Sites page, select “Sites” from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.

There are multiple ways to search for and view your sites.

Viewing Your Sites

Users can switch how they view the site page between a List View, Grid View, and Map View depending on what the user seeks to see.

  • List View: Allows users to see their sites in list order in a card view.
  • Grid View: Gives the user a tabular report view.
  • Map View: Displays your sites geographically.

Filtering Your Sites

In addition to the search bar at the top of the screen, users can utilize Quick Filters and All Filters to narrow down the full site list to review specific sites.

  • Quick Filters: This is a dropdown menu found on the top navigation bar which allows you to quickly filter for Active, Closed, Project, Office, Yard, Sandbox, and No Site.
  • All Filters: This is a more detailed list of criteria to filter with and also where you can save your customized search in "My Filters."

NOTE: The Sandbox is a holding place for assets whose trackers have not yet been installed and verified, or are not available to report location. The Sandbox is not a true Site.

After a Site is closed or deleted, assets associated with that site will be moved to No Site.

Site Details Page

The Site Details page organizes and details all pertinent information about a specific site in one consolidated location. 

From this page, users can access different site data by switching through the Site Details tabs. The tabs include the following depending on site type and any premium features licensed on your account:

  • General Information
  • Utilization
  • Assets
  • Rentals
  • Transfers
  • Geofences
  • Safety & Compliance (premium feature)

See How to Search, View, and Filter Sites (Desktop) and Site Details Overview for further information.

Create, Edit, and Delete Sites

From the Sites page, users can create new sites, change the status of an existing site, and delete an existing site.

Create a Site

Adding a new site can be done individually or in bulk.

Sites can be set up as a Project, Office or Yard. The name of a site is reflected on an asset when the asset enters that site's geofence. 

NOTE: All sites must have at least one geofence boundary for this purpose.  

Change a Site Status

Change the status of an existing site to "Active" or "Closed".

NOTE: If you are changing the status of the site from "Active" to "Closed," any remaining assets on the site will be updated to "No Site"  and can be viewed in the "No Site" list on the Sites page.

Delete a Site

The delete action is intended to be reserved for unintentional duplicate sites that have been entered into the system. Otherwise, it is advised to change the status of a site to "Closed" to keep accurate records instead of using the delete action.

NOTE: Once an asset is associated with a site (i.e., was recognized within that site's geofence boundary), the site cannot be deleted because this site is in that asset's location records. At this point, the site can only be closed.

See the following articles for further information:

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