Fuel Consumption Report (Desktop)

What: Asset fuel consumption data is stored for each individual vehicle trip and can be reviewed on the Fuel tab on a vehicle or truck's Asset Details page or in a comprehensive report with all other assets in the Fuel Consumption Report in the Reports feature.

Trackers: This report is generated for assets that have an installed, verified and online TennaCANbus and TennaFLEET II (TennaCAM2.0).

Note: Tenna gets fuel for the majority of vehicles, but it is dependent on your asset's year, make, model and trim as some assets do not make this available.

Fuel information is reported by the tracker at the end of each trip or cycle.

Who: Users must have purchased the Fuel premium license to access the Fuel Consumption Report. Users must also have the Fuel Report & Details permission on.

Note: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report.

When: The report collects all fuel data for all assets in the selected time frame. You can select a max date range of 365 days in the past.

Where: The Fuel Consumption report is located for each individual asset on the Asset Details page under the Fuel tab.

The Fuel Consumption Report is also available under the Fuel report group from the main reports page. Accessing the report this way allows users to see fuel data for all assets in a date driven report.

It is also accessible from the Reports drop down menu at the top of the platform under the Fuel section.

Fuel Consumption in Asset Details

The following asset information is shown at the top of the grid:

  • Fuel Type: The fuel type used by the asset.
    • This information is submitted by the user when creating the asset.
G – Gasoline D – Diesel LPG – Liquid Propane
EV – Electric E – Ethanol CNG – Compressed Natural Gas
GH – Gasohol MT – Methanol NG – Liquid Natural Gas
E8 – E-85 M8 – M-85 A5 – A-55BD
  • Fuel Tank Size: The size of the asset’s fuel tank in gallons.
    • This information is submitted by the user when creating the asset.

Note: Does not apply to Electric.

  • Miles Per Gallon: Average mileage for all trips displayed on grid for this asset.
    • This data point is calculated off of the full data set, not just the current page or filtered results.
    • This value is calculated by dividing the sum of total gallons used per trip by the sum of total miles per trip.
  • IFTA Compliant: Yes or No if the asset is configured as IFTA Compliant for reporting.

The following fuel related information is shown for each individual trip in the grid:

  • Start Time: The timestamp when the trip started
  • Start Location: The address of where the trip started
  • Start Site: Site name of where the trip started. If the trip did not start at a Site, this field will be blank.
  • End Time: The timestamp when the trip ended
  • End Location: The address of where the trip ended
  • End Site: Site name of where the trip ended.  If the trip did not end at a Site, this field will be blank.
  • Duration: Duration of trip in hours, minutes, seconds.
  • Total Miles: Total distance traveled by the asset at the end of the trip.
  • Total Gallons Used: Total amount of fuel consumed during the trip (in gallons).
  • Trip MPG: Average mileage for the selected trip.
  • Assignee: The person assigned to the asset.

Sample Report – Overview of Fuel Consumption Report Fields

Pro Tip! Select the Settings gear icon on the right side of the report and select the toggle to "Show only assets with fuel data" to filter unsupported assets/trackers from the report.

  • Categories: This column can be expanded to show the asset’s Major Category and any Subcategories (as previously assigned).
  • Organization: This column can be expanded to show the asset’s assigned Organization and Org Sub Levels.
  • Asset Details: This column can be expanded to show the following details about the asset:
    • Fleet No
    • Asset Name
    • Status
    • Year
    • Make
    • Model
    • Current Site
  • Tracker Type: The type of Tenna tracker installed on the asset.
  • Gallons Used: Gallons the asset has used as of the selected time period.
    • This information comes from the Tracker.
    • If Today is selected, data will show for 12 am to the current time.
    • If any past time periods are selected (Yesterday, previous week, previous month, or custom date range), data will not include today’s (partial) data.
  • Total Gallons Pumped: Total gallons of fuel pumped as of the report date, which is driven by the manually entered fuel entries for the asset.
  • Average MPH: Average MPH for the asset (if the asset is selected to track miles)
  • Average GPH: Average GPH for the asset (if the asset is selected to track hours)
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