Accounting Integration: Viewpoint Vista Work Order Overview

What: This will give you a high-level understanding of the Work Order with Viewpoint® Vista™ Integration and provide you with important information to ensure success in the setup.

Work Order Integration with Viewpoint Vista

The advanced work order integration connects maintenance Work Order records in Tenna into the Viewpoint® Vista™ ERP program facilitated by and through Data Xchange. This unique integration empowers construction professionals to autonomously capture repair and maintenance costs (including parts and labor) and other activity within Tenna, which then automatically feeds to Vista™.
As a result, data is shared across multiple systems, giving finance and office staff the information they need from the shop. Increased visibility into these costs helps contractors better calculate their total cost of ownership around the equipment assets on their balance sheet.

Enter Work Order ONCE.

Start a new Work Order in Tenna and it will automatically show up in Vista™.

Enter Maintenance Requests ONCE.

Every Maintenance Request or Preventive Maintenance trigger in Tenna will automatically be added to the corresponding Work Order in Vista™.

Assign Mechanics ONCE.

The Mechanic you assign to the Tenna Work Order will automatically reflect in the Vista™ Work Order.

Know Your Costs EARLY.

Enter your estimated labor cost in Tenna and see it Vista™.

Partnership with Data Xchange

Tenna partners with Data Xchange to process transactions, ensuring your Vista system’s integrity and security. Data Xchange will install an agent on your server that will connect to your Vista system. Every 30 minutes, Data Xchange pulls data from your Vista system and reviews for any changes. If there are changes, Data Xchange triggers transactions to process the update into Tenna. Changes in Tenna are sent to Data Xchange in real-time and processed to sync with Vista.

Process Flow

  • Tenna sends Work Order (WO) to Vista
    • Vista generates the WO number and sends it back to Tenna
    • WO is created in Vista
    • Any changes on the WO will be reflected in Vista
    • Maintenance requests can be added or deleted from the original Work Order in Tenna and additional lines will be added or lines deleted from Vista accordingly
  • Any changes on the WO in Tenna will be updated in Vista Estimated hours, notes, etc.

Support: For questions, reach out to the Tenna Integrations Department [email protected].

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