How to Create, Clone, Edit and Delete a Custom Inspection (Desktop)

What: This article covers the steps for creating a new custom inspection, cloning an existing inspection, editing an existing inspection and deleting an inspection. 

This functionality is part of a premium product license within Safety & Compliance. Both the Safety & Compliance and Custom Inspections licenses must be enabled (turned on) to access the custom inspections functionality.  

NOTE: Custom inspections apply to existing and future assets.  

Who: If the Safety & Compliance and Custom Inspections licenses are turned on, users with the Manage Inspections permission can create, clone, edit and delete Custom Inspections.

NOTE: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report.

See Custom Inspections Overview for an overview of inspection-related permissions.

Where: The Manage Inspections functionality covered in this article all begins within the Safety & Compliance feature under the Manage Inspections tile.  

When: Custom Inspections can be created, edited and deleted at any time. Existing custom inspections can also be assigned to assets at the time of asset creation.  

How To Create Custom Inspections


From the Safety & Compliance landing page, select the Manage Inspections title.


Click Create Custom Inspection Form on the top right of the Manage Inspections screen.

Note: The Manage Inspections screen is visible regardless of whether you have the Custom Inspections License. If you do not have the Custom Inspections license turned on, you will still be able to see the Create Custom Inspection Form button on this page (which shows Tenna-created inspections from Tenna’s inspections library), but with an “upgrade” badge noting that it is a premium feature available for purchase. Contact your Tenna Customer Account Manager to explore this upgrade. 


Select "Blank Inspection" from the Create Inspection form popup and click "Continue".

Note: See the How to Clone Inspections section below for details on cloning an existing inspection. 


Fill in the inspection form with the required information.

Fields include the following (all are required unless otherwise noted below): 

  • Category: you can automatically apply this inspection form to all existing and new assets applied to the selected categories.  
  • Default Inspection Frequency: Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, none, and custom.
    • By selecting custom, you are required to enter the frequency the inspection is due and base the frequency either on assignment or on a fixed schedule by start date with an optional end date.  
  • Default # of Inspection Codes: How many QR codes are required to be scanned during the completion of an inspection. 
  • Recipients to Notify on Submission: (Optional). Users you would like to be notified about the results of this inspection. Includes a list of users, contacts and companies to notify (based on the users, contacts and companies you have added to your Tenna account).
  • Identify Missed Inspections: This field triggers how the missed inspection log works. Choose between identifying missed inspections only if the asset has been used and not inspected (“Asset usage”), or based on the set frequency you set in the Default Inspection Frequency field above (“Inspection Frequency”) 
    • Ex 1: You may want an inspection to be performed every day that it is used. In this case, select the Asset Usage option, which will trigger a missed inspection if the asset’s tracker reports activity that day and the required daily inspection was not performed.  
    • Ex 2: If certain assets should be inspected during a specified frequency regardless of whether or not it has been recently run, select the Inspection Frequency option. 
  • Additional Form Options: (Optional) You may choose to require additional criteria when submitting an inspection. Options include: 
    • Signature required with inspector submission. 
    • Capture Hours (the current hours on the asset when inspected) 
    • Capture Miles (the current miles on the asset when inspected) 
    • Include General Comments for miscellaneous notes or instructions for your inspectors to be mindful of. You may include up to ten separate comments 

When finished populating the inspection form, click Continue.

The continue button will be greyed out until all required fields on the form are filled in.

NOTE: Capturing Hours and Miles during an inspection is for reference only. These do not count as manual hours updates and do not change the overall hours for preventative maintenance.  


Select "Got it, Continue" on the Building your Inspection Form popup.


Begin building your inspection form by adding inspection items.

This is where you add your inspection criteria.

  • Click the three dots to Rename the default section.

  • Click Add Inspection Item in the center of the column or by clicking the “plus” (+) icon (next to the three dots) to create a new inspection item for this section. Mark this item as required or optional.

  • Continue creating additional sections. You can add up to 20 sections to an inspection form. Each section must have at least one inspection item within. 

NOTE: Sections and inspection items within each section can be dragged and dropped around the board to create your ideal order for your inspector to follow. 

  • Organize your sections. You can modify and organize each section by exploring the additional actions under the three dots icon. Creating sections to group together inspection items ensures inspectors do not miss critical inspection components. Organize your sections by type of inspection (e.g., check all fluids), or area of asset (e.g., inspect all exterior components) for a more efficient inspection process in the field.

NOTE: You can organize your inspection across pages for the inspectors to follow when completing this inspection in the Tenna App. When paginating sections, each section will appear on a different page, vs. all on one continuous page.  


When you are finished, click "Create Inspection Form" on the bottom right corner.

You will be prompted with a popup that confirms your inspection form is created and assigned to the assets within the category types assigned to this form. Scroll through the category list to see which category types were checked.  


Click Finish.

Your inspection will appear in the Manage Inspections grid (inspection library). Inspections on this page are sorted in alphabetical order.  

Filter this list by the Created date column to see your new inspection at the top.

Click the blue links to Assigned Categories and Assigned Assets to see exactly which assets this inspection was assigned to.  

How to Clone Custom Inspections 

What: How to clone custom inspections to use as a starting point for creating a new inspection form. Cloning an inspection creates a duplicate of an existing inspection with all of the original inspection criteria fields pre-filled.  

PRO TIP: A best practice is to Clone and edit a custom inspection vs. editing an existing inspection form when you would like to make a change. This provides more flexibility to target a certain set of categories.  


Select an existing inspection to clone.

There are two ways to clone an inspection:

Option A.  

From the Manage Inspection page, click the Create Inspection Form on the top right corner.  

Select Clone on the pop up. 

Select an inspection to clone from the dropdown.

The Inspection to Clone dropdown field holds a list of all existing inspection forms, shown by the Inspection Form Name, and sorted alphabetically from A-Z. 

Click Continue.

Option B. 

From the Manage Inspections grid, click the three dots icon under the Actions column for the inspection you wish to clone and select Clone. 

On the Clone Inspection pop up, change the name of the inspection and select "Clone Inspection".


Review the Cloned Inspection form, make your edits, and select "Continue".

All fields will be pre-filled from the original inspection you cloned.  

NOTE: By default, the inspection name will have “Clone” in the title, so be sure to rename your new inspection. 


Click "Got it, Continue".


Edit your inspection form criteria on the form builder.


Click "Create Inspection Form" to complete your new form.


Click "Finish".

Your new inspection form will appear in the inspection library under Manage Inspections and automatically apply to the assets you assigned.  

How to Edit Custom Inspections 

What: How to edit a custom inspection.

Pro Tip: A best practice is to Clone and edit an existing inspection vs. editing an existing inspection form when you would like to make a change. This provides more flexibility to target a certain set of categories.  

Important: Editing an inspection only affects assets assigned to this inspection in the future. It does not “bulk edit” the form retroactively for assets already assigned to it.

Note: Only user-created custom inspection forms can be edited. Default, Tenna-created inspections cannot be edited, although they can be cloned and edited from there. Tenna-created forms include DVIR, Equipment Inspection and Mobile Crane (Lattice Boom). 

Who: Anyone with the Manage Inspections permission turned ON can edit existing inspection.

Where: This functionality is found within the Safety & Compliance feature, under the Manage Inspections tab/tile. 

Warning: Edits made to this inspection form will only apply to assets assigned to this form going forward. Assets that were previously assigned this inspection form will not inherit these edits. “Frequency” and “# of Inspection Codes” can be modified individually for assets assigned to the original version of this form under Manage Inspections > Assets. 


Select an inspection from the inspection list, select the "..." icon under the action column, and select "Edit".


Edit any inspection form defaults and click Continue.


Edit any inspection sections and inspection items. 

You can rename, drag and drop to reorder, and more.


When finished, click Update Inspection Form.

Click Finish to return to the Manage Inspections grid.  

The Date Modified column for this inspection form will be updated with today’s date.  

How to Delete Custom Inspections 

What: How to delete a custom inspection. Custom inspection forms created by users can be deleted, but Tenna default forms cannot be deleted (only cloned). 

Warning: Edits made to this inspection form will only apply to assets assigned to this form going forward. Assets that were previously assigned this inspection form will not inherit these edits. “Frequency” and “# of Inspection Codes” can be modified individually for assets assigned to the original version of this form under Manage Inspections > Assets. 

Note: Historical records of inspection reports previously completed from this form will remain intact and unimpacted.

Who: Anyone with the Manage Inspections permission turned ON can delete an inspection. 

Where: This functionality is found within the Safety & Compliance feature, under the Manage Inspections tab/tile. 


Select an inspection from the inspection list, select the "..." icon under the action column, and select "Delete".


Select "Delete" to confirm.

The deleted inspection form will be removed from the Manage Inspections list.

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