How to Create a Geofence Boundary (Desktop)

What:  All sites require a geofence boundary when the site is created. A boundary goes around a site to distinguish its physical borders. Boundaries may not overlap with any other boundary or fence on the map.

Who: Users with the Geofences and Edit/Update Geofences permissions.


Geofences can only be created in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.


Select "Geofences" on the navigation bar on the left-hand side.


Select "Create Boundary".


Name your boundary.

Type in the name of your boundary in the box on the top left of the map. By default, the boundary will be named "New Boundary" until your change is made.


Identify the boundary as Billable or Non-Billable.

Use the toggle on the top of the screen to identify the boundary as billable or non-billable. By default, the boundary will be non-billable.


Billable/Non-Billable relates to the Asset Revenue feature. When billable assets are within a billable geofence, their billing rates are applied to that geofence's site, thus collecting accurate job cost data.


Assign the boundary to one of your existing sites using the site dropdown box at the top of the screen.

A pin will appear on the map at this known site.


Draw your geofence boundary.

Select the "Box," "Circle," or "Trace Free Form" option at the bottom of the screen and draw your boundary on the map.


Boundaries cannot overlap other boundaries. 


Select "Create Boundary".

The "Create Boundary" button will be grayed out until a boundary is drawn.

Select "Cancel" to undo your geofence and remove it from the map. 

Additional geofences can be created in and around your sites to identify specific locations and trigger asset location alerts.

See How to Create a Geofence Zone (Desktop), How to Create a Geofence Fence (Desktop), and How to Configure Geofence Alerts (Desktop) for additional information.

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