Geofences Overview

A geofence is a virtual boundary around a project, yard or office site. All sites require a geofence boundary to be created when the site is created. You can create additional geofences in and around your sites if necessary. 


It is recommended that geofences be created carefully enough to define the boundaries of work accurately to avoid blurred lines with nearby neighboring projects.

Types of Geofences

There are three types of Geofences.


A boundary is a geofence that goes around a site, distinguishing its physical boundary borders. Boundaries may not overlap with any other boundary or fence on the map.

An asset's billing information is picked up by boundaries, allowing the project to be billed appropriately as assets move into and out of their boundaries.

A boundary is displayed in blue color on the map.


Every site must have at least one boundary. Boundaries are the only type of geofence that drive an asset transfer because they are directly related to Sites.

See How to Create a Geofence Boundary (Desktop) for further details.


A zone is a smaller, optional, geofence within a boundary. This is for a specific area of a site, such as a project lay down area, the jobsite trailer, or certain segments of work. Zones can only exist inside of a boundary, but may not overlap with other zones within their boundary.

A zone mirrors the boundary's billing and financial rules when assets pass in and out, but their financial alerts may also be disabled.

A zone is displayed in yellow color on the map.

See How to Create a Geofence Zone (Desktop) for further details.


A fence is a neutral geofence that is outside of a boundary and is unrelated to any site, such as a local coffee shop or convenience store near the jobsite. Fences may not overlap with any other fence or boundary on the map.

Unlike boundaries and zones, fences to not carry a financial implication regardless of where they are on the map. Fences simply read and record the entry and egress of assets.

A fence is displayed in purple color on the map.


Fences may only be located outside of a boundary.

See How to Create a Geofence Fence (Desktop) for further details.

How to View Geofences

Geofences can be viewed by selecting "Geofences" from the navigation bar on the left-hand side.

Geofences can be viewed in Map View or Grid View. The view can be changed by clicking on the dropdown in the top right corner.

In Grid View, existing geofences will appear in a list. Use the search bar at the top or manually scroll through the list to find a specific geofence.

In Map View, existing geofences will appear on the map. If there is a large number of geofences in close proximity to each other, they will be clustered and represented by a yellow or red circle and the number of geofences in that cluster.

To zoom in to individual geofences, click on the cluster or manually zoom in on the map.

Reports and Alerts for Geofences

When your assets are inside of a geofence, their site location is identified at the asset level. As assets pass in and out of geofences, their movements are recorded to keep track for historical record-keeping as well as job costs and billing. You are able to see which assets have transferred in an out of a site on each site's Site Details page under the Transfers tab. See Geofence Enter/Exit Report (Desktop) for further details.

Getting notifications for geofence entry and exit helps keep track of movement on the job and can alert to potential instances of theft when assets are moving offsite during off hours. See How to Configure Geofence Alerts (Desktop) for further details.

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