How to View Truck and Vehicle Trips (Desktop)

The Trips tab on Asset Details screen displays data about all the completed trips an asset has made and any events and violations that occurred during that trip. The Trips tab gives information about how and where your vehicles and trucks are being utilized. Events and violations give information about how the driver is driving the vehicle.

The Trips tab is displayed for the following assets:

  • Category Type: Vehicle or Truck
  • Tracker Type: TennaFLEET, TennaCAM 2.0, which is paired with the TennaFLEET, (installed and verified)

NOTE: The Trips tab will only be visible if the TennaFLEET tracker is online and verified.

Permission Requirements: Users with the "Trips" permission will have access to the Trips tab.


Find and select the asset to view the Asset Details page.

For help searching for an asset, see How to Search, View and Filter Assets (Desktop).


Click on the Trips tab.

The Trips tab displays all the completed trips the asset has taken.

NOTE: Map View is the default view for the Trips tab. Trips can also be displayed in Grid View.

The trips for that asset will be displayed on the left side of the map. The trips shown are contingent on the start and end dates and times selected on the top left of the screen. By default, the latest trip on the date chosen is selected. 


Use the Start Date & Time and End Date & Time fields on the top left of the screen to find the specific trip you are looking for.


Click on the eye icon next to the trip you want to view.

This will display the selected trip on the map.

The Starting Point (identified by the letter "A"), Trip Events (identified by a red dot), Violations (identified by an exclamation point in a red circle), Ending Point (identified by the letter "B"), and GPS Location (identified by a blue dot) of the trip are displayed on the map.

Click on any of the displayed icons to see additional details:

  • Starting Point and Ending Point icons will show location at each point as well as a time stamp when the trip began or ended.
  • Trip Events and Violations will show the type of event registered as well as a time stamp and GPS location of the event or violation.
  • GPS Location will show time stamp of the reading, GPS location, and MPH the vehicle was traveling


MPH readings on GPS Location dots will only show in instances where the MPH reading is transmitted by the tracker.

Default trip event triggers include:

  • Speeding: 75 mph, minute over minute
  • Idling: 3 minutes of idling while driving less than 5mph
  • Hard Braking: .3G Force
  • Hard Acceleration: .3G Force

Violation thresholds are set up uniquely in accounts that have the Driver Scorecard feature enabled.  For accounts that do not use Driver Scorecard, violations will not be triggered, only trip events based on the above defaults. See Driver Scorecard Overview for additional information.

Grid View

Grid View will display data in a tabular format.

To view the data in Grid View, select "Grid View" from the dropdown on the top right side of the screen.

The trips displayed are contingent on the start and end dates and times selected on the top left of the screen.

To view details on a specific trip, click on the eye icon to the right of the trip. This will display a map of the specific trip selected.

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