How to Measure Your Vehicle for ADAS

To take advantage of the powerful ADAS functionality of your TennaCAM 2.0, you must first enter some vehicle measurements for the camera to properly calibrate. Grab a pen and paper to jot down the following measurements. The measurements should then be entered in the Tenna App.

Depending on the type of vehicle the camera is installed into, the site of the measurements may differ slightly.

To help with this, we've separated the vehicle types into the following categories:

  • Car/Sedan
  • Pickup Truck/Van
  • Step Van
  • Flat-nose/Cab-over
  • Bus/Truck

Tools and Recommendations

  • You will need a standard measuring tape.
  • Ensure the vehicle is on flat, level ground for the best measurements.
  • These measurements should be taken in inches or centimeters.

Find the center line of the vehicle.

Make a reference mark with a piece of tape so you can easily measure from this center line.


Measure the vehicle hood length.

This measurement is taken in a straight line from the TennaCAM 2.0 (road-facing) lens to the farthest forward part of the bumper. For example, if your vehicle has a snowplow attachment on the front, you will measure to the front of the snowplow since it is the farthest part of the bumper.


Measure the vehicle width.

This measurement is taken on the body of the vehicle from left-side to right-side for the width of the vehicle.

Important! Do not include the side-view mirrors in the measurement.


Measure the camera height.

This measurement is taken in a straight line from the TennaCAM 2.0 (road facing) lens to the ground the vehicle rests on.

Note: This is NOT the measurement to the floorboard, but the actual ground the vehicle is sitting on.

Pro Tip! It is recommended to record the distance from the ground to the bottom of the vehicle, then record the distance from the camera to the floorboard and add those two measurements for the total camera height.


Measure the camera offset.

This measurement is taken from the TennaCAM 2.0 (road facing) lens to the center line of the vehicle.

  • If the camera’s lens is offset to the passenger side of the vehicle, make the measurement negative.
  • If the camera’s lens is offset to the driver side of the vehicle, make the measurement positive.
  • If the camera’s lens is centered on the vehicle’s center line, the measurement should be 0.

Note: If your vehicle has a split windshield, consider the center dividing pillar between the windshields as the center line and measure from there as you would normally.

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