Asset Details Overview (App)

What: The asset details page is where you can to access all of an asset's information as well as any attachments such as reports or manuals.  

Who: All users can view asset details.


This article is specific to the Tenna App. For the Tenna platform on a desktop, see Asset Details Overview (Desktop).


From the dashboard, click on the search icon on the bottom of the screen.


Select Assets.


Use the search bar to help find the asset you are looking for and click on that asset to view the Asset Details page.

Refer to How to Search, View and Filter for Assets (App) for further details.


Review the asset detail information.

Navigate to each section by clicking on the tabs. These tabs include the following depending on asset category type, whether it's tracker is online and verified, any premium features licensed to your account, and your permission level:


The Location tab will allow you to:

  • See the asset's last known location on the map.
  • See the asset's speed, direction, and trip start location (if currently running).
  • Get directions to the asset's location.
  • Share the address of the asset with others.
  • View or reassign the Site the asset is linked to
  • View the Group the asset is assigned to.
  • View or reassign the Assignee the asset is linked to.


General information fields will fluctuate depending on the asset's category. Data fields include:

  • General Information: Status, Year, Make, Model, VIN, License Plate, State of Registration, Designation, Organization, Condition, Serial Number, Product ID No. (PIN), Quantity, Unit, Unit Cost, SKU, Class Code, Purchase Price, Purchase Date, General Description, Special Comments
  • Miles/Hours: Current Miles, ECU Odometer Provided, Ignore ECU Odometer, Current Hours, ECU Hours Provided, Ignore ECU Hours
  • Idle/PTO: Total Idle Duration, ECU Idle Provided, Ignore ECU Idle
  • Fuel Level: Fuel Level, Total Fuel Consumption (gallons), Total Fuel Pumped (gallons)
  • Miscellaneous: View spec sheets and any external documents or attachments for that asset.

To edit information, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the "Edit" button.

NOTE: This will allow you to edit a limited amount of information. To fully utilize the edit function, please logon to Tenna on a computer.


The Hours/Miles tab:

  • Displays hours or miles for that specific asset (if applicable).
  • Calculates the utilization of that asset, based off of hours/miles.


The Trips tab is applicable to assets with category type "Trucks" or "Vehicles" and that have an installed and verified GPS tracker. This screen will display the asset's most recent trip, the trip's start and end location, date, and time, and events (such as over speeding, hard braking, and idling).

To view trip history, scroll to the bottom and select "View All Trips".

From this screen, you can select the trip you wish to view.

Location History

The Location History tab is applicable to assets with category type "Trucks" or "Vehicles" and that have an installed and verified Solar, Battery or Bluetooth tracker, tag or label. It displays tracker data about location pings or manual updates to keep track of where an asset has been.


The Cycles tab is applicable to assets with the category type "Equipment" that have an applicable, installed, and verified GPS Tracker. Users can view tracker-driven data about engine run time for their assets. This screen will display the asset's most recent cycle, and the cycle start and end location, date, and time.

To view cycle history, scroll to the bottom and select "View All Cycles". From this screen, you can select the cycle you wish to view.


The Rental tab displays details associated with rental assets including:

  • Rental Rate
  • Rental Rate Type
  • Rental Start Date
  • Rental End Date
  • RPO Option

Reservations (premium)

The Reservations tab displays a calendar view of the asset's schedule including if the asset has been requested, reserved, or has scheduled maintenance.

Maintenance (premium)

The Maintenance tab displays any maintenance requests and entries for the asset.

Click on an entry to view details.

Click on "Create Maintenance Request" to add a new request.

Fuel (premium)

The Fuel tab displays the asset's fuel type, tank size, and fuel pumped.

Click on each entry to view details.

Click on "New Fuel Entry" to add a new entry.

DTC (premium)

The DTC tab is applicable to assets with TennaFLEET or TennaCAM trackers that register a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC). This screen will show a summary of those instances.

Click on each instance for further details.

Inspections (premium)

The Inspection tab displays asset completed, missed or failed inspections. It also allows you to add a new inspection or DVIR.

Click on each inspection entry to view details.

Click on "New Inspection" or "New DVIR" to add a new request.

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