Assets Overview
Assets is the main hub that links to all others within Tenna. Use the Assets feature to access and interact with all your assets.
Permission Requirements: All users in your account are able to view the Assets feature at it's most basic level. Various functions can be "permissioned" ON or OFF for your users to control access.
Search, View and Filter Assets
To view the Assets page, select “Assets” from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.
There are multiple ways to search for and view your assets.
Viewing Your Assets
Users can switch how they view the asset page between a List View, Grid View, Group View, and Map View depending on what the user seeks to see.
The following views are available:
- List View: default view, displaying assets visually in card-form
- Grid View: displays assets in a tabular/excel-style report format
- Map View: displays assets visually on the map based on current/last known location
- Group View: displays only those assets that are part of a group, along with group details
Filtering Your Assets
In addition to the search bar at the top of the screen, users can utilize Quick Filters and All Filters to narrow down the full asset list to review specific assets.
- Quick Filters: This is a dropdown menu found on the top navigation bar which allows you to quickly filter for Owned, Rentals, For Sale, Available, Disposed, and Ungrouped assets.
- All Filters: This is a more detailed list of criteria to filter with and also where you can save your customized search in "My Filters."
See How to Search, View and Filter Assets (Desktop) and How to Search, View and Filter Assets (App) for more information.
Asset Details Page
The Asset Details page organizes and details all pertinent information about a specific asset in one consolidated location.
From this page, users can access different asset data by switching through the Asset Details tabs. The tabs include the following, depending on asset type, whether it's tracker is online and verified, any premium features licensed on your account, and the user's permission level:
- General Information
- Utilization
- Financial
- Rental Information (shown for rental assets)
- Cycles/Trips/Location History (depending on the asset's category types)
- Map View
- Secondary Assets (if asset is primary asset in an asset group)
- Fuel (premium)
- Reservations (premium)
- Maintenance (premium)
- DTC or Fault Codes (premium, if Maintenance license is purchased)
- Safety & Compliance (premium)
- Quantity (for consumables)
See Asset Details Overview (Desktop) and Asset Details Overview (App) for more information.
Create, Edit and Delete Assets
From the Assets page, users can create new assets, edit existing assets, and delete existing assets.
Create an Asset
Adding new assets can be done individually or in bulk.
Edit an Asset
Users are able to make edits to the asset details as well as:
- Re-Assign: Edit the assignee of one or more assets
- Re-Categorize: Edit the category of one or more assets. Choices are available conditionally.
- Transfer: Edit an asset's site. This is only available if the selected asset's tracker is offline, and the user has the correct permission.
- Status: Edit the status of one or more assets. Different options are available for owned, rental and disposed assets.
- Group: Group two or more assets together.
Delete an Asset
The delete action is intended to be reserved for unintentional duplicate assets that have been entered into the system. Otherwise, it is advised to change the status of the asset to "Disposed" to keep accurate records instead of using the delete action.
See the following articles for more information: