Company Onboarding Overview

The Company Onboarding process allows you to completely customize your Tenna platform based on your company's details. The onboarding process consists of two phases: Company Setup and Operations Setup.

Permission Requirements: Power Users are responsible for setting up your company’s account. Other users may also have access to set up certain aspects of the account depending on their permissions. See each section below for specific details..

Phase 1: Company Setup

This phase includes the customization of the following within the Settings screen.

NOTE: The elements to edit/customize the below are dependent on permissions and licenses purchased.


Permission Requirements: All users are able to view the Licenses tab.

Licenses are premium products that are available for purchase in addition to the TennaCORE features included with a basic license. The License tab allows users to view purchased features as well as additional features that are available to upgrade to.

See Licenses Overview for further details.

Org Chart

Permission Requirements: Users with the Organizational Chart permission are able to access this tab.

The Org Chart tab allows you to create a digital version of your organization that you can associate your users and assets to. This feature can be used for future reporting and/or billing purposes. Within this tab, users can manage the org chart as well as company titles.

See How to Build and Edit an Org Chart (Desktop) for further details.


Permission Requirements: Users with the Contacts permission are able to access this tab.

The Users tab allows you to view and manage all users, contacts and companies associated with the account. This tab allows you to invite users to the Tenna platform by adding single users manually or via bulk upload. You also have the ability to create contacts, or individuals who you will not give login access to, and add information for third-party companies and vendors you work with.

See Users Overview for further details.

Labor Resource

💥 Resource Management is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Permission Requirements: Users with the Labor Resource Categories permission are able to access this tab.

The Resource Management product allows you to add laborers to Tenna who can be dispatched to jobsites for a specific task, assigned to move or operate equipment or be added to crews. The Labor Resource tab allows you to create and manage labor resource categories for the organization of your laborer database and crews.

See How to Create and Manage Labor Resource Categories (Desktop) for further details.


Permission Requirements: The Power User and users with the Permissions permission are able to access this tab.

The Permissions tab allows you to control the level of access you give to your users. Default permissions are based on default titles, or you may create your own based on individual users, titles and organization levels. Users receive permissions based on the Permission Group(s) they are a part of. Permission Codes, which sit within Permission Groups, contain your configured permissions (On/Off/Read/Write) for each feature that is part of your account.

See Permissions Overview and Notifications Overview for further details.


Permission Requirements: Users with the Configurations permission are able to access this tab.

The Configurations tab allows you to configure default Working Hours, Utilization and other thresholds for the entire account. Working hours includes company work hours per day, start and end time for shifts and time zone. Utilization includes the minimum thresholds for utilization of equipment with trackers that read engine data. 

See Configurations Overview for further details.


Permission Requirements: Users with the Categories permission are able to access this tab.

Tenna defines the types of assets in your account via a Category Type, which dictates the relevant fields for each asset, as well as certain tabs that will appear on that asset's asset details tab (when the asset's tracker is online and verified).

The Categories tab allows you to set up categories and subcategories for your assets using the Tenna default categories, in addition to the ability to create your own.

See Category Types Overview and How to Create and Edit Categories (Desktop) for further details.

Mechanic Time Cards

💥 Mechanic Time Cards is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Permission Requirements: Users with the Manage Billing Rates, Manage Class Codes, Manage Cost Rates, and Manage Time Types permissions are able to access this tab.

The Mechanic Time Cards product helps to control costs, accurately capture hours in the field, and improve productivity. The Time Cards tab allows users to manage time types, class codes, costing rates, and billing rates.

See Mechanic Time Cards Overview for further details.

Cost Codes

💥Cost Codes requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Permission Requirements: Users with the Manage Cost Codes permission are able to access this tab.

The Cost Codes feature improves cost tracking and transparency and analyze costs across asset categories, preventative maintenance services, work orders, mechanics, and more. The Cost Codes tab allows users to manage their cost codes to align with their ERP/Accounting.

See Cost Codes Overview for further details.


💥 Maintenance is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Permission Requirements: Users with the Maintenance Settings permission are able to access this tab.

The Maintenance feature allows field personnel to schedule equipment maintenance or repairs directly with mechanics when required, report damage from the field using the Tenna App, submit construction work orders, log entries and capture repair documentation to help resell an asset in the future.

The Maintenance tab allows users to manage and create Services and Preventative Maintenance Service Packages.

See Maintenance Overview for further details.

Safety & Compliance

💥 Safety & Compliance is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Permission Requirements: Users with the Manage Grading Criteria and Manage Thresholds permissions are able to view this tab.

Safety & Compliance includes Driver Scorecard and Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) features. The Safety & Compliance tab allows users to manage thresholds and grading criteria for these features.

See Safety & Compliance Overview for further details.


💥 Integrations is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Permission Requirements: Only Power Users can establish the integration connection with third parties.

Integrations functionality allows Tenna to connect and share data with and/or receive data from third party software vendors and OEMs. The Integrations tab allows users to set up your integrations.

See Integrations Overview for further details.

Phase 2: Operations Setup

This phase includes the setup of the following:


Permission Requirements: Users with the “Add Asset” permission are able to add assets to your account.

Creating assets is the primary function in order for a company to manage the asset. Assets can be added individually or in bulk.

See Assets Overview for additional information.


Permission Requirements: Users with the “Add Site” permission are able to add sites to your account.

Sites helps you understand where your assets are spending their time, helps you control resources on your projects and helps to mitigate or identify instances of theft through geofences. Sites can be added individually or in bulk.

See Sites Overview for additional information.


Permission Requirements: Users with the “Geofences” and “Edit/Update Geofences” permissions are able to add geofences to your account.

A geofence is a virtual boundary around a project, yard or office site that helps with reporting, job costs and billing, and to closely monitor the location of your assets.

See Geofences Overview for additional information.

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